Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dear Mr. Obama- you sorry example of an American

I am certain that you did not lose any family, friends, associates or people that you actually know or knew in the attacks of September 11th.

The reason I am certain of it is by the totally foolish and irresponsible statements and policies that you have made and are taking with respect to aspects of the aftermath of those attacks and the loss of American lives resulting from those attacks.

It is also very clear to me that you have violated the single most important aspect of the office you hold and the oath for that office that you took--- to protect and defend the United States of America from all enemies foreign and domestic.

You are also not fit for the position of "Commander in Chief" given those same statements and policies.

I, on the other hand, did lose 12 friends and associates on September 11th and want to let you know something you unworthy and unpatriotic farse of a president----

I would have done much more and much worse to anyone, foreign or domestic to have gained information that would have prevented the loss of those 12 wonderful and beautiful Americans!!!

And I do mean anything. Waterboarding would have been the lesser of any tactic I would have used to prevent just those 12 losses let alone the 3,000 plus that turned out to be the total number.

And where I would be holding these killers and enemies of our country would make Gitmo look like a holiday resort for the rich and famous.

Release them if you will but release them into the neighborhoods where you and your friends live and where your children go to school and play. To do otherwise will only expose your hypocrisy further should the media ever determine that they should.

Rather than release the prisoners in Gitmo, release first the other portions of what has been released regarding the tactics used on them and tell us all what information was learned from these murderers and what was prevented with that information and let us then decide whether or not Gitmo should be closed and whether or not we are not at risk or whether or not you and your media hyped platitudes make us feel safer and ask us to vote on whether or not to close Gitmo or to abandon any measures that will gain information the loss of 1 more American life to these bastards!

For all of you out there who will read this, put some names to the list of the dead from 9/11, add some pictures to the fatherless childern that resulted from those attacks, list some widows and widowers with names you know and can identify with personally and then listen again to the speech of this miserable excuse for a president and leader of today and if you are not ashamed of him and of your vote for him (if you did vote for him) then I say the same to you--- you are less of an American and not worthy of what America is about or provides to Americans, less worthy even that this man who is occupying the office of the president.

Then, listen to the speech of Dick Cheney and if for no other reason than this issue, get yourself and anyone you can influence committed to ending this insanity of Obama, Pelosi, Reid et al and get busy in the rescue of America and the office of President and Commander In Chief for one who is deserving of the office and the titles and who will --- protect and defend.

Someone had to say it. I am proud to have said it!

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