Friday, June 12, 2009

Ownership and Responsibility

There comes a time when, as a parent or an adult one tires of a child or another adult laying blame on someone else and the lesson all responsible parents and adults want their children and other adults to learn.

You cannot get by in the world by blaming things on others.

There comes a time when no matter what or how, we all have to step up and take ownership of our lives, our decisions and our futures.

It is long past time for Mr. Obama and his administration to do exactly that.

Even some well intentioned and idealistic voters who crossed over to vote for this pretender of a president are now finding it hard to continue to listen to the continuing chorus of whose fault all of this is.

Presidents ultimately are defined by how they handle what they are given to govern and lead no matter what the predecessor may or may not have done to leave him with no work to do.

So, for the record, it is now time for Mr. Obama to take ownership of the US he governs and was elected to lead and "change". It is time for all of us to demand an accounting of his leadership to date and not permit him or the media to continue to lay blame at the feet of anyone from the past.

The first thing he should do is look himself square in the mirror and say, " I am really not a saviour and am just a man". If he can start one day with that statement and believe it (mostly because he will have said it) then he can move from the mirror and perhaps begin a process of ownership, both of the leaders' mantle he was inappropriately given but now has and the results and consequences of the decisions he has made to date and is about to make over the next three plus years.

One other thing he needs to do, review some of the video of his television appearances and then review some of Fidels' and Hugos' and see if he doesn't get a sense that he needs to do less television time and dedicate more time to actual analysis of some of the things he says and some of the plans for "change" he believes in because at the end of the day, those plans and consequences are what are going to define him and are really what he is going to be held responsible for and have ownership of as he progresses through his term of office and into history.

For the record, right now he is a dismal failure both as a leader and for the "change" he promised the American people.

Someone has to day it. I just did!

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