Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Now is the time for Leadership

It is now up to the Republicans to clearly address to the American people the faults and fallacies of the administrations healthcare plan.

More importantly, they have the obligation to put forward an alternative plan that will address the concerns now clear to all of the populace while at the same time keep us from having to incur the massive costs of what is being proposed.

In order to be seen as something other than being just opposition and obstructionist, it is important to begin addressing this and the other major issues floating around the Beltway at this time.

This is an opportunity to offer leadership and an incredible chance to demonstrate that the Republicans are in tune with what is of uppermost importance now, and it is not healthcare. Unless of course the administration is permitted to spin healthcare up to being the central most important item on the agenda, which it is not.

The economy and jobs are and that is what the Republicans should focus on and bang the drum about and, at the same time, prove to the American people that healtcare can and should wait until the economy is on solid ground showing recovery.

There is no reason to permit the Democrats to push through this healthcare legislation at a time when the economy is continuing to grind down, only to be driven further into the pit with this plan requiring yet another layer of taxation.

Cutting taxes is the most immeditate action that could be taken at this point to impact each and every citizen and to spark recovery.

The administration does not get it and that is the opening that the Republicans have to walk through.

No matter who you are in America it is now evident that the administration will be increasing taxes on everyone and impact everything and this plan should be wrapped in that tax increase paper along with the others and thrown into the garbage where it belongs and where the bulk of voters would put tax increases and all associated with them, programs and politicians alike.

Someone from the Republican side needs to take the leadership role on this issue and get the focus off of what the administrations' agenda is and back onto what is of concern to everyone in the Nation.

Now is the time for true leadership and the line in the sand has to be drawn with the economy at the center.

Obama and his crew have no idea what to do to get the Nation on a path to recovery, it was never and is not now part of their agenda which was from the start to consolidate power and create a Nation of citizens (voters) dependent on Washington for the important elements of their lives and those citizens (voters) viewing them as the providers.

Unless this gets changed, we are all going to be sitting in a much deeper hole in every aspect of our lives and the status of the Nation will continue to decline.

There are times when politically there is not much to be done other than to let the other side have it's way and let the consequences be hung around their neck.

This is not one of those times and the reason for that is that once a program like this healthcare plan gets implemented it will be virtually impossible to end and it will grow into the kinds of monsters social security, medicare and a host of other government programs that by their DNA can do nothing but become cancers threatening the very life of the Nation.

This is a failed plan out of the box and it should be the start of a Republican resurgence.

There are no other two issues of such significance and diverse importance that can and should show the Nation who does and does not have the wellbeing of the Country at heart.

Someone had to say it. I just did!

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